The Board of Trustees appoints the Town Clerk whose responsibilities include maintenance and guardianship of town records including minute books, ordinances, resolution and all other official documents, coordinating all agendas and packets for Town Board of Trustees meetings, attending all Board meetings, taking meeting minutes for final approval, posting of all public notices, maintaining and safekeeping all official documents, administering oaths of office, affixing the Town Seal to official documents, attesting signatures, and recording documents with the County Clerk's office.
The Town Clerk duties also include the following:
Administering liquor licenses including background investigation for beer, liquor and special events license permits, processing and review of licenses, and collecting all appropriate fees for such licenses. Issuing sign permits, sandwich board sign permits, mobile vendor permits, peddlers permits, town hall rentals, film permits, animal and fowl permits, and temporary use permits.
Serving as Election Official for the Town of Granby and administering, supervising and coordinating the entire town election process.
Serving as Planning Coordinator which includes the following duties: noticing, coordination of packet information, agendas and minutes for the Planning Commission and for the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
Serving as Website Manager which includes the following duties: coordination of all web pages including updates, additions, and deletions.