Town Services

Mayor Josh Hardy
Mayor Josh Hardy is a third-generation resident. Josh and his wife Bethany are raising four boys within the same close-knit community that shaped him. For Josh, Granby isn’t just where he lives—it’s home in every sense and his dedication to Granby runs deep. Since joining Granby Sanitation District in 2015 as a Certified Wastewater Professional, he’s played a crucial role in keeping our town clean and sustainable. Elected as a Trustee in 2018 and Mayor two years later, Josh recently joined the Colorado Municipal League’s policy committee to ensure Granby’s voice is heard at the state level. He’s also actively involved in planning and development as a member of the Granby Planning Commission, the Grand County Airport Advisory Committee, and as the Executive Director of the Middle Park High School Alumni Association’s scholarship board.
As Mayor, Josh’s dedication to Granby shines through in his top priorities. He’s committed to finding real solutions for affordable, workforce housing so that Granby’s locals can live and thrive in the place they call home. Supporting local businesses is a major focus, too, as he works with local organizations and community leaders to strengthen the businesses that make Granby’s economy vibrant, including working to bring grant opportunities to business owners.
Josh’s vision for Granby is all about mindful growth: supporting locals with affordable housing, boosting economic development, updating infrastructure, and revitalizing our downtown. From breaking ground on the affordable housing neighborhood at Nuche Village to completing the “Halfway Pathway” trail that better connects the neighborhoods of Granby, his efforts have already made a difference. Josh continues to keep Granby growing in a positive, sustainable direction for everyone who calls it home—today and for generations to come.
(Kasy Allen, Coffee #22 of 100 Cups of Coffee with Mayor Josh Hardy)
TERM OF OFFICE - 2024-2028